Think Like a Super-GM by Michael Adams
Think Like a Super-GM ist eine einzigartige Zusammenarbeit, die das Schachwissen eines Elite-Großmeisters mit der wissenschaftlichen Forschung des Denkens auf dem Schachbrett verbindet.
40 Schachrätsel wurden einer Gruppe von Spielern vorgelegt, die von gelegentlichen Vereinsspielern bis zu Super-GM und Co-Autor Michael Adams reichte. Der Forscher Philip Hurtado zeichnete nicht nur ausgewählte Züge auf, sondern auch die detaillierten Gedankengänge jedes Spielers, um das Geheimnis zu lüften, was genau überlegene Schachleistung ausmacht.
Auflage 2022
Seitenzahl 464
Format A5
Sprache Englisch

This book offers a unique opportunity for readers to not only solve the puzzles, but also compare their thinking to that of club players, strong amateurs, IMs, GMs and Michael Adams himself. With an additional Bonus Puzzle section and a fascinating Eyetracker experiment showing where different players focused their attention on the board, this is a chess improvement book like no other.
English Chess Federation’s Book of the Year 2022
“This book does have a number of original features that make the solving experience much more interesting than just glancing at the solution, feeling happy or irritated and moving on to the next one. Foremost among these is the possibility to compare your thoughts with that of similar-strength players… The other key factor is the quality of Mickey’s explanations of the puzzles, which is outstanding – simply a pleasure to read!
I thoroughly recommend this book. Working through the examples seriously in a concentrated manner will benefit players of any strength, and once you’ve completed the puzzles there’s still a wealth of learning to be drawn from Mickey’s comments, and by reflecting on the solving processes captured by Hurtado. Great stuff! 5 stars!”
GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess
Zusätzliche Parameter
Kategorie: | Schachbücher auf Englisch |
Garantie: | 2 Jahre |
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